Blogging Secrets: How to get 24000 page views in the second month of blogging


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Blogging is the unexpected journey we never thought we would go on, not in this life anyway, and so far it's been filled with ups and downs, and A LOT of lessons.But the most important part is unlocking the blogging secrets and the biggest one of all: how to get many page views.

First of all, let me start by saying that blogging, as a profession, is a lot of work, if you want to make this right.

Yes, there are a lot of fun parts to it, but if you want to make some money with it, not only have some fun out there on the internet, you need to understand that it is some serious work involved.

Today marks the start of our third month in the blogging world and a new target hit by us, over 20k page views. It's been such a fun ride so far, and now I understand the thrill of every serious blogger I've read.

We can't stop smiling now because of the results of our days (and nights) of hard work, and because we can see that our sacrifices were not in vain. It's not easy going from 0 to 24k pageviews in only 8 weeks, but it's definitely not impossible.

We used to read articles from bloggers saying how they made 10 000 $ last month from blogging and be amazed by the amount of money that can be made. This is what made us start this journey, to be honest.

But how do you go from nothing to that??

We've read all about the important stuff like "write great content", "get yourself on social media", invest in this course, or that course, and so on.

But the problem was that no one REALLY tells how to do it, how to make that much money unless you invest in some sort of course that will eventually show you how.

Unlocking the secrets of blogging takes time, and even though we began researching all this madness in November last year (2016), we were ready to start our own blog only in March of this year.

Why did we wait for so long?

Two reasons:

1. Before starting, we spend so many days just reading, researching, joining webinars and so many courses (and taking like 10 000 notes on every aspect of blogging).

Knowing as much as you can before starting helped us have an idea of how to manage this, how to organize, and other aspects.

2. Creating our starting content was another important aspect. Like Grace and Silas from Chasing Foxes say in their article, that made us start this adventure in the first place, you need to have some content written before you start, somewhere from 20 to 50 articles.

Think that your audience needs something good to read when they reach your blog. Having just 2-3 articles won't do you much good, on the contrary.

We started with about 20 articles, and build it up, one step at a time, one day at a time.

We tell you this not to discourage you from starting your own blog, but to teach you to do your research before diving in!

But enough chit-chatting, let's get to the point of today's article.

How to get 24000 page views in the second month of blogging

The answer to that question is...


And I bet you already knew the answer to this one, didn't you? If you didn't, let us change that and show you why you should spend some time on Pinterest.

The majority of bloggers you find out there will tell you that Pinterest is gold, and... they are right! There are so many advantages of Pinterest! If you never heard of it, you need to learn as much as you can about it, ASAP!

Pinterest is the most awesome search engine. Why? Because it's all visual. You can find anything you want (and need) on Pinterest. From delicious recipes to medieval clothing - to buy and how to make them.

But why is Pinterest so great?

The guys from Pinterest call it "the world's catalog of ideas", and they are so right! Every great idea that was ever posted on the internet can be found here. Lifestyle, parenting, travel, life hacks, you name it.

For bloggers and entrepreneurs, this is a goldmine. If you have a great blog, all you need is a Pinterest account, but, a business one, not personal - this aspect is very important. Why? Because you need to have access to the Analytics section they offer for you.

Knowing how your audience responds to your content is crucial, and you can't figure that one out by yourself. Pinterest for business helps you in that matter, by showing you exactly what are your best articles and this helps you focus more on what your audience likes to hear from you.

Pinterest for business also shows you what other things your audience likes, and that helps you, by giving you ideas on how to grow your blog, and what content to add, without actually talking to your audience.

And the one thing I forgot to mention. It's FREE! Why would anyone pass on FREE Marketing?

How does Pinterest influence the blog?

Pinterest is easy to personalize and grow, because it offers, and encourages you, as an entrepreneur, to follow and share similar content and topics to your own. It's like a win-win situation.

The more exposure you bring to others, the more exposure Pinterest brings to you, and therefore, your blog. Pinterest helps you find your audience, the ones that want to know and share your content with others.

But... How to get those 24 000 page views?

Group boards! aka the secret, not so secret Pinterest groups of people, and for people with the same interests. The places you need to join so you can share your content with your target readers!

The easiest way to find the group boards you need is through this great site called PinGroupie. It helps you narrow down your searches with filters, and it's making your life on Pinterest much easier.

It's true, at first it's hard. I made it my full-time job to research, find and join the group boards I needed for our blog. I joined at least 150 of them in my first week and only got into a few, after a month of trying, but that's all okay!

Once you are in the ones you need, others will ask you to join!

All you really need to get better chances of getting accepted is a nice message, not too long, not too short, to ask respectfully to join and say you will listen to the rules, and, if refused, to accept it nicely.

Another thing that we did was to start our own group board, for every blogger who wants to join and share ideas, on any topic! It's all about the great content and helping each other grow, one pin at a time.

What to do when the time is too short?

Pinterest can get overwhelming after a while, and what I've noticed personally was that I was spending waaay to much time on Pinterest than on my blog. But, thankfully, I found a solution!

And it's a nice thing called Tailwind.

I'll be honest and say that at first, I didn't see the importance of having a solution like that. I mean, how hard can it be to pin and repin? Well, after you get to a big amount of pins for your blog, you kind of see the importance of an automatic helper.

Oh, and the best part? They now help you with your Instagram as well!

Visual Marketing from Tailwind

But what the heck is Tailwind?

Tailwind is a marketing and analytics platform created by the need to help themselves, and it gradually grew into this big company that helps others worldwide. The fact that they were their first customers helped me a lot in choosing them over others. Read more about them on their about page.

...and why should you care about it?

Time is important for everyone. Maybe, you're like us and want more time to play games, or read, or dance. Using Tailwind as your ally in this battle for a better exposure helps keep your Pinterest life active, even in your sleep.

You just set it up and let it do it's magic! After only a week of setting it up, it skyrocketed our traffic with 6 900 pageviews!

Growing your blog is hard work, but when you do it right, everything gets easier.

We hope we helped you unlock some of the blogging secrets, by showing you how to get 24000 page views in the second month of blogging.

Our question for you is: What other blogging secrets do you want to be unlocked?

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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