Blogging Secrets What to do when Pinterest is Not Enough


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Getting the desired traffic to your blog isn't an easy task, and every blogger knows that. Even though Pinterest is one of the greatest places to share and grow your blog organically, sometimes, that's just not enough.

On our last blogging related post, we talked about how we got 24 000 page views with Pinterest. After all that, our page views hit a new mark, the 30K mark, in about 48 hours from publishing that article.

But then, something else happened. In just 24 hours, the traffic fell like crazy, from 30 200 to 23 300 views. I, for one, was devastated, Andy got a little bit angry because we were finally on a good, steady track to success.

Since that happened, the only good thing I could think of is how smart I was to ignore almost every post about social media I read, and go with what my gut told me. I'm so happy I always trust my intuition!

Yes, it's true, trying to master all social media platforms your audience hangs in, at once, is madness, but that doesn't mean you have to ignore them all, except the one you have to focus on first. That is one of the biggest mistakes any blogger can make, and that some regret making when they began blogging.

You should start them all when you launch, but focus on mastering them, one by one. After all, you need to eat, sleep and have a life outside your blog ( fuckin' talking to myself here, but hey! :) ).

Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love, Pinterest. It's the main reason we started our blog. If I didn't have an obsession with Pinterest, I would have never seen Chasing Foxes' article that got me inspired to start.

If I wasn't non-stop on Pinterest, back when I wanted to break out of my 9-to-5, I would have never learned so much about how to create, launch, organize and grow a blog. Pinterest helped me evolve, learn, and it still does.

But sometimes, just sometimes, Pinterest is not enough for you. For your blog. You want more, and deserve more, after all your hard work.

Sometimes, even though your Pinterest is growing okay, Tailwind is doing its job and you're happy with that, your blog seems to not get the attention you want. Then what do you do?

What to do when Pinterest is Not Enough

1. Exposure & Sharing

You sit down, breathe, take a pen and paper, and rethink your exposure system. Where do you share your blog? Where should you share your blog, besides Pinterest?

Our exposure list looks like this, and will probably get bigger in time. ( We'll keep this updated as we go, of course! We learn something new and good, we'll share it with you! )

Facebook ( & Facebook Groups)
We heart it

It is very important to share your posts on each platform after you publish them, to gain some exposure in every field.

2. Communities & tribes

Every new blogger should know that it is very important to have a detailed picture of your ideal reader. What you need to know is who that reader is: male/female, tall, dark & handsome or small, chubby and cute, the age of your reader, interests, needs, even sexual preferences.

You have to be the one who creates that perfect picture, don't just stand there and wait for your reader to come and say: "Hey! It's me!". Think of the things you know about and like to talk about. Build your reader after you.

The clearer your image of your reader is, the easier it is for you to find your tribe.

After you've established the important stuff you need to know about your reader, finding your community is easier. Using what you have, search for groups on Facebook and Pinterest that you can join, contribute and learn from AND that are relevant to your blog.

Let's say you are a cars enthusiast, with great knowledge about cars and stuff regarding them, why would you join a mom blogging group? You see where I'm going with this.

You'll have to travel far and wide in the online world, to get to find your tribe, so have patience.

3. Create your own social media strategy

What we found works best for us is to focus on the social media platforms one week at a time. This week, for example, we learned about Flipboard and what it can do, and let me tell you, it's amazing! Next week we'll focus on StumbleUpon, and so on.

Take your time, and take notes - this is very important. Focusing only on one social media can bring you more damage than good.

Of course, we return to Pinterest at least one full day per week, after all, our best information and exposure first come from Pinterest, then the others.

4. SEO

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. I understand a thing or two about how search engines work, online marketing and stuff like that, but the hardest thing was learning SEO.

I couldn't figure out how it influences our blog and our traffic. It's like my brain decided to go on a vacation right when I needed to understand this.

That was until I found Yoast SEO. This is a WordPress plugin, that helps you optimize your blog, by giving you advice on how to improve your blog posts, your titles, what keywords work best for every article, and so on, using the 3 colors of the traffic light: Red - bad!, Orange - meh, Green - yay!

It saved our asses! And our traffic. Invest in learning as much as you can about SEO, but do it the right way. On their site, you will find valuable info about how to optimize SEO, mistakes to avoid and many many other good stuff.

5. Relax!

Being a newbie blogger is exciting, fun, overwhelming. If something doesn't turn out how you wanted it to be, just relax! Rome wasn't built in a day, neither is a nice, long-lasting successful blog.

Remember, you don't need to know it all from the get-go! Relax a bit, calm down your urge to succeed from day one. Blogging takes time, and learning how to do it right is important.

No matter how prepared you think you are, once you start your journey and actually do this, then you learn the important stuff.

Get started today, with Bluehost - after all, it's only 3,95 per month!

We hope that we helped you out a bit by sharing one of our other blogging secrets on what to do when Pinterest is not enough for your blog.

Our question for you is: What do you do when Pinterest is not enough?

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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