
This page is created to inform all the readers of the Dreaming of Butterflies blog (dreamingofbutterflies.co) that we have a financial relationship with some of the companies mentioned on this site. Dreaming of Butterflies may be compensated IF a sale is made through one, or several links that we provide for our collaborators.

Dreaming of Butterflies receives financial compensation for sponsorships, affiliate links and ads displayed on the site.


The important thing to know is that if you decide to purchase through our links, no extra cost will be added to you, in some cases you may receive a discount.

Please note that you are not in any way obligated to click on the links provided and purchase any products that are advertised.

We will never advertise anything just for the sale, everything we recommend, we believe it can improve some point in your life.

Sponsored Content

This website will accept forms of compensation and will feature sponsored content from time to time. That will include paid blog posts or reviews, sponsored giveaways or mentions of PR samples. All such posts will be clearly marked in the first paragraphs.

We feel strongly about the integrity of our blog and will personally handpick all collaborations with brands or other bloggers.

The views and opinions expressed on the dreamingofbutterflies.co blog are and will be entirely our own as we will only endorse products and services that we genuinely believe in or have tried ourselves prior to writing about it. Not all product reviews or brand mentioned will be PR samples or sponsored content, as we also recommend products we love without any connection to certain companies.

Affiliate Links

This blog occasionally features affiliate links. What does that mean for you?

If you make a purchase through one of our affiliate links, we will get a very small commission or referral fee at no extra cost for you. Posts containing affiliate links will always be marked as such somewhere in the first paragraphs.

We only recommend products or services that we truly believe in. If you chose to make a purchase through one of our affiliate links, we want to thank you for supporting us and our blog.


This site uses Google AdSense advertisements and we as its owner do not control the content of the advertisements or the conduct of the third parties whose advertising content is being served by Google or other ad networks.

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