Do you know How to make a Pin go Viral?


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Before we dig into the details of a viral pin, you need to make sure you understand the basics of Pinterest, so make sure to check out our article about that, and how to manage Pinterest group boards, so read that one as well.

After you've read those, we can start to focus on today's quest, how to make a pin go viral.Fist, a little bit about us. We are Maya and Andy, the co-creators and minds behind the Dreaming of Butterflies project. We've said this before, and we're not afraid to say it again.

We got into blogging because of my (being Maya) obsession for Pinterest. How, you ask? Well, it's kind of simple. I first stumbled upon Pinterest back in 2013. I didn't understand it then. At first, I thought it was some sort of strange social media site, nothing more.

It turns out, it's SO MUCH MORE than that. It is really a visual Google. And a bloggers paradise. Because, like the crew at Pinterest say, over 75% of the content you find on Pinterest is from blogs.

Because we are both in constant need of "upgrading" our lifestyle and have a love of sharing our awesome findings with the world, the Dreaming of Butterflies blog was born.

Now, let us share with you the story of our first viral pin. The one single pin that made us go from 31 000 views to 836 600 views in 4 days. This pin was never even supposed to look like this. This pin wasn't even supposed to be.

It's like those awesome stories you hear about movies that almost didn't get made, like Star Wars, Jaws, and Jurrasic Park for example. Can you imagine the world without those?

Of course, our pin is not that important and life-changing as Star Wars is, and will never be, but to us, it feels like that, because it's the pin that basically put us and our blog on the map.

With this viral pin, we increased the number of our followers with 50 people, in 5 days. Because of this viral pin, we grew our own Pinterest group board with over 20 people last week.

And because of this viral pin, we made our first100 $, just by blogging - NOT by selling something.

So how did we do it?

The 5 steps of a Viral Pin

1. The article for the pin

The fact that this particular pin went viral and it's still growing like crazy every single day, is not only about how it looks. It's about the quality of the information that the pin leads to. Without great information at the end of the line, the pin would have never gone this viral.That's where you need to start in the first place.Tip #1. Focus on having the article well written, and having great resources featured ( if it is a feature article).Personal experience: People like quality, not quantity. Remember that. Our best articles are the ones that made people love us and want more.

2. Creating the pin

Even though most people say that the best pins are the longest ones, that is not always the case. In this case, size really doesn't matter that much. Of course, having a vertical pin is a must, but keeping it on a standard dimension is just fine.

For the creation of the pin, we love to use Canva. You don't need to stress about knowing the dimensions of a pin, complicated editing stuff, or any of that.Canva already knows the perfect dimensions for everything. And it's FREE to use! Yay!

3. The title of the pin

You have your awesome article, you have your Canva ready to go, now what do you need? Your catchy title, of course!The best site for that purpose we found is the Headline Analyzer from CoSchedule. This is perfect when you want to know how to improve your blog titles, and how to have the perfect titles for your pins.Oh, and again, it's totally FREE. Double Yay!

Visual Marketing from Tailwind

4. Where and when to share the pin

Group boards, of course! it's unbelievable how much Pinterest group boards help you in this matter. And yes, when you hit a fine number like 57 as we do now, it can get overwhelming.Because of that, we have our trusty Tailwind to help us. It's a game changer, and hands down, the best (and smartest) scheduler out there.

Why use Tailwind?

Like we've said before, pinning every day, on every board, can get exhausting. It’s like a full-time job that you don’t have time for. Because you want the best exposure, at the best time, and still want to live a life of your own, you need a smart scheduler.And because Tailwind really is the best of the best, we couldn’t help but recommend them to everyone we know!

Visual Marketing from Tailwind

Why do we love Tailwind?

We absolutely love Tailwind for several reasons:a. It’s simple & professional– The dashboard has a simple, clean look. It’s easy to find and learn everything you need to use.b. It’s smart! – You don’t need to stress about when to post, Tailwind already knows the best times to do that! All you need to do is schedule the pins and let it do its job. No fuss!c. You can try it for FREE – because they trust what they do, and they want to prove it, you can start using Tailwind for free, right now!d. You can have a life – It takes about 2 hours per week to manage Tailwind, and make sure that everything is ok, that means free time for you! To read, cook, be with your loved ones, to plan your next move.

Visual Marketing from Tailwind

5. Sharing is caring

But the most important thing to keep in mind is that pinning only your stuff won't get you up there. You need to share the love and pin daily other people's content as well.As much as you want others to pin your pins all the time, so does everyone else with their content. So pin! But be careful to keep what you pin related to your business!Because we are in so many awesome group boards, we focus on pinning daily from those boards, at least 1 pin from each board.Tip & personal experience: Pinning only quality pins, and other viral pins, will get you up there faster.And that's it! Our simple, yet super effective way that made our pin go viral!And because we've been talking about it all day, and we're sure that by now you really are curious about how it looks and what it is, there you go:

Our first viral pin!Right now it has 7.82k repins! (and it's still growing!) Be sure to check out that article as well if you find it interesting. We would love to help as many people as we can!If you liked this information and fond any value, please make sure to share the love and let others know about how to make a pin go viral, and pin this for the world to see!

Our question for you is: What is your first viral pin? Let us know in the comments section below!

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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