10 EXCELLENT reasons why you should start a side hustle

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Good morning and Happy New Year, lovely dreamers, and welcome to another inspiring post here on the DoB blog!

We hope that this new year will bring you more joy, more money, productivity and more good experiences than ever before and that all your Vision Board wishes may come true.


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We promise to be right here for you, inspiring you, rooting for you and (hopefully) giving you some good and helpful ideas in your journey to a better lifestyle. 

And because this month marks the month of dreaming, planning and preparing what’s to come this year, we figured, why not start things off with an inspiring side hustle article?

And if you’re reading this at any point during the year that’s not January, we hope that your year has been a productive one so far and that you’ve reached at least some of the goals set for this year.

As you’ve probably already noticed, side hustles have become “the thing” of these past few years, and anyone who has at least one most definitely has already told you about it, how they do it, how much they’re making, and so on.

But very few people will actually tell you why you should bother starting something on your own, what are the real benefits under the work, and what to expect.

Luckily for you, we are two examples of crazy people who like to tell others about their life experiences, so of course, we’re going to tell you today about all the “whys” we can think of when it comes to bettering your financial situation through hustles.

But enough with the chit-chatting! Let’s get to it!

This Is Why This Year Will Be The Year You Start A Side Hustle 

Remember that this article is not about how, but about why. If you want to learn more about what you can do to make money, feel free to check out any of our articles below.


Can you make money blogging without blogging about blogging?

10 Simple ways to make extra money every month

And now... the list:

1. You can do what you love

Are you passionate about something and would love to just keep doing it all the time? We get it. We’ve definitely been there. Hell, we are there with you right now.

Yes, it’s true that it doesn’t happen instantly, and it has a learning curve to it, but it is definitely doable.

The problem with the passions is that most people don't know how to monetize them, or even if they learn how to, they either get too scared to do so or too overwhelmed by the process. 

Here’s where online courses and friends come to help. 

If you are willing to put in the work and learn the process, you could be doing what you love for a very nice profit, and for quite some time. 

But don’t just believe us, believe all the DIYers that are on Etsy, all the YouTubers, bloggers and podcasters that turned their hobbies into something that can at least pay for food if not all of their lifestyle needs. 

And now imagine, wouldn’t it be nice to just be one of them? 

2. You’ll spend your time doing something productive

Instead of watching others for hours on end on TikTok or YouTube having the time of their life, and living your dreams, why not just be someone like that? 

The most important lesson life teaches us when we reach adulthood (especially our 30s mark) is that time is precious and that every second lost is taking us away from our desired lifestyle.

Having the courage to start a small business on the side will make you use your free time doing something worth doing, that in time will make you happier with your life choices and most importantly, your finances.

All you need is to learn how to manage your time better, and what type of side business you can successfully do in your free time.

3. Make extra money for your needs & desires

The best perk of starting a side hustle? The extra money, of course!

Maybe you need some extra money to renovate the home you’re living in, or to travel, or you have a baby on the way, or you just got a new pet. Whatever it may be, extra money is always a good thing.

When you have one or more businesses working for you, bringing you extra income besides your job, it’s even easier to dream of more, because the pressure of “living” is off.

You can spend it any way you like, you can reinvest it, you can save it! You can do anything you want. Wouldn’t that be fun? 

4. You can Inspire others

When you’re doing well financially, you give only two options for the people surrounding you: 

1. To DESPISE you and ENVY you for what you have and how well you’re doing, or 

2. To be INSPIRED by you and your SUCCESS so that they can reach their goals as well and live the life they want.

Because we’re positive people rooting for positive vibes, you already know what our answer to this point is. 

The fun fact about inspiring others is that the more you do it, the more positive fuel you’ll have to get you to do it again.

5. You can help others solve a problem

Money is great, don’t get me wrong, but what you should also think about is the positive impact you and your work can have in other people’s lives. 

You may be anything from a delivery person, a crafter of personalised items, a freelance photographer, a designer, a virtual assistant and so much more… 

Just think that your skill, time and/or knowledge is valuable not only to you but to other’s that might not necessarily possess your abilities to fix something they are dealing with at that moment, in their life or business.

6. It's a fun way to use your creative side

Even if you’re very analytical and calculated from the get-go, you do still have a creative side. Remember that.

Solving unexpected problems on the go, building something from nothing just because of an idea, juggling through different workflows, scheduling your weeks so that you keep a healthy work-life balance, all of that takes creativity.

And if you’re creative to begin with, and that’s how you think of making more on the side, be prepared to create create create. 

7. You will learn new skills

When starting a work activity on the side, especially as a freelancer or an independent, there are quite a few new skills you’ll definitely get to learn, to be successful:

  1. How to market yourself and your side business, especially if your side hustle doesn’t involve you working for another company that does that for you
  2. Who are your ideal clients, and where do they like to spend their time on social media, to help you get to them faster
  3. Time management, workflow and clients management
  4. Communicating with clients, accepting feedback, creating lasting working relationships
  5. The basics of owning and raising a business
  6. What you will need to improve to better your product and workflow

You will learn all of these, and so many more, in your first year alone. Just make sure to be patient with yourself. 

8. You can be free to travel

By either making and saving enough money that you can travel (where you can now, ofc, given the circumstances and Covid-19 regulations and lockdowns), or you can focus on building work from home side hustles, so all you need is an internet connection and you can work from anywhere.

You don’t need to be bound to one place to be able to work and have money. That’s why having one or more businesses that can be managed with a simple internet connection are perfect if you want that lifestyle.  

9. You can quit your boring job

Like many of us, we all get into adulthood with a job. Most often than not, it’s the most boring and mind-numbing job in the world. But what if you want more?

You can still keep your job and have a hustle on the side in the beginning, but if you work for it, you can turn that into something that brings you enough profit that you can actually quit your job and focus on what really matters. 

And if that one activity is not enough, you can always add on more as you go. 

10. You can live the life you want

Making enough money to live comfortably, without wasting all of the time you have in a day working for someone else who will never appreciate or financially repay you for your work, can be a dream come true. 

There are dozens of opportunities now to make money without a conventional 9 to 5 job, online and off. You only need to find what works best for you and your abilities and go for it.

But to achieve that financial independence you yearn for, you will need to be focused on where you need to go, how you want to get there, and most importantly, be consistent in your work.

Are you ready for it?

Aaaaaand that’s all for today, lovely dreamers! We hope you enjoyed our list of 10 reasons why you should start a side hustle this year. If you liked this post, don’t forget to share it, pin it, tweet it! We’ll certainly be thankful for that.

QOTD: Do you have a side hustle? What is it?

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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