Today we’re continuing with our Dream. Follow. Do. series, and we’re getting into the reality of actually following our dreams.
I’m sure it must have been a real adventure so far going through so many thoughts and ideas and putting them together. We hope it was a fruitful one, and that you’re ready to proceed.
In case you missed the journey so far or any of the videos in the series, I’ll link the playlist in the description box below.
Do you have your pen and your journal ready? Great! Let’s proceed.
The next step is all about…
Do you get it? Following = Planning. This whole post focuses on one thing. And all its components.
It’s crucial to your journey that after you’ve done your soul searching, dreaming, and built your Vision Board, to figure out what you have to do next.
so let’s start by…
Mapping out the process
Get a good look at those big goals you have on your Vision Board. Go one by one, section by section.
Now, set up a timeline for your visions, with “checkpoints”. This will help you keep track of your successes and let you know where you are on the journey to achieving your Board goals.
Make actionable plans in each area and be consistent in working towards your desires.
Having dreams is one thing, but achieving them takes hard work.
And most importantly, TAKE YOUR TIME while you do this. But don’t procrastinate (because then you’ll never see your vision board come to life).
This is an important step, so don’t skip it!
Let’s say that you want a new car, a BMW iX3, first edition(it’s important to be specific on your board).
How are you going to get it?
Like any problem, there are at least 2 ways of solving this:
Number 1: If you can wait for it, you can:
- start a savings account specifically for your dream car and put at least 10% of your earnings on there every month,
- get more hours at work and everything that’s over your normal salary goes to that as well,
- start a side hustle,
- develop your asset list,
- sell some of your stuff,
- sell your old car as well.
Number 2: If you need it now, you can:
- ask for a loan from the bank and get it now without waiting (but this only works IF you have a good credit score and you know you can afford the loan),
- and you can do the steps from Number 1 to help you pay for your loan without affecting your current monthly income streams.
This same principle applies to other areas of your life that are not necessarily materialistic.
Let’s say you want to lose 100 pounds. How are you going to do it?
Solution 1: do it on your own - this is harder, it requires more work from you
- you can join the gym, create a work-out schedule for yourself,
- track your calories using a free app
- figure out what you can eat, how much you should eat in a day and for how many days to reach your goal
- keep yourself motivated even if the scales don’t seem to agree with you
- show up every day and do it
Solution 2: ask for help - this is easier
- this can be either hiring a nutritionist and a gym coach to guide you through the process
- finding an accountability partner to help encourage you when you have low days
- joining a class for people with the same goals - you get a guide and partners at the same time
- get non-invasive beauty treatments that help accelerate the process
This second solution, while indeed costly, compared to the first one, is easier simply because you are not alone in this journey. There is a system already in place that can help you through the process step-by-step.
Whatever your preference may be, as in math, there are at least 2 ways of solving a problem: a simple method, or a more complicated one.
You just have to take into consideration what you know about the problem, put down on paper your preferred solutions for it and choose the one best suited for your situation at the start.
The second thing to understand when it comes to planning is…
The importance of LISTS
Lists exist for a very good reason. They are here to help you stay organised.
Especially if you have a little bit of ADHD/ADD going on (like me) and think of 2 to 5 different things at once, and you tend to forget or miss stuff if you’re not writing them down.
There are different types of lists that you need in your life to succeed in chasing dreams without going completely insane:
▣ Inspiration lists
These types of lists are here to open up your mind to what you can do, how your initial Vision Board might change, where you can go in your life and what dreams you can reach (if you’re willing to put in the work, obviously).
They are here to help and encourage you to dream. Think of them as window shopping, but only for goals and desires.
▣ Resources needed lists
What do you need to get to your next checkpoint in your dream achievement journey or the finish line? Do you need to learn a new skill or a totally new set of skills? Do you need to get a second job? Do you need new tools (physical or digital)?
A “resources needed” list is the type of list you start right after you’ve decided on your dream, and put that goal on the vision board. It is meant to help you understand what you need to acquire to fulfil your quest of following your dream.
▣ Daily To-Do lists
With these lists, you can make sure that your tasks are all written down in one place and organised so that you know what you have to do and don’t forget some details that might be very important to the workflow.
You can be smart about it and sort your tasks by value (high-value, medium, low). To-do lists are crucial in helping you beat work overload so it’s important to organise them well.
Yes, you have a lot of small daily jobs to do, but you don’t have to do them all at once, or in one day, for that matter. These lists help you concentrate on what’s important. Use them efficiently, and you will not lose focus on your dreams.
▣ Weekly “project” lists
When there’s a bigger goal to reach, I recommend dividing it into weekly “projects”. These can represent the stages of your journey to the finish line, aka your big objective.
Think of these as marathon checkpoints. Or game levels.
To know how far you have to go till the end, it’s okay to have at least a ballpark idea of how many checkpoints you have to pass to get there.
These types of lists help you put an accurate timestamp on your dreams, and depending on the dream, they can vary from a few hours to a few years.
This is meant to make the process more real, to fuel you to chase all of your dreams and to have a better understanding of the journey you have to take.
Important note:
Keep in mind that all of the lists above can change as you go, depending on your lifestyle and responsibilities, so the ones you make at the start of your journey are not set in stone.
But at the same time, if you decide to change your daily to-do lists and put on more or fewer tasks, this will influence how fast or slow you reach your goals.
So please be careful how you deal with this as you go.
The third essential component of the planning process to achieving your dreams is…
Identifying your first steps
If you’ve been focused on your “dream. follow. do” journey so far, and went through everything we’ve rambled about up to this point, then you might have already detected your first steps. But if you still have some issues in doing so, here’s what you can do:
Answer these questions:
➛ What’s your most burning desire/dream?
➛ What’s the dream you can make true the easiest?
➛ Which dream will take the longest to follow?
Choose one of them, and focus on that one first.
The easiest one to fulfil is usually the one to start with, as it’s a good morale booster, but you can choose either one you want.
But don’t forget:
Consult the lists!
Do you have all the resources to follow that one dream you chose first? If the answer is no, then your next step should be to procure everything you need.
Can you do all the daily tasks you’ve set for that desire and finish the weekly “project” and still do your other daily activities (be it working, school, taking care of the kids, and everything else you normally do in your day-to-day)? If yes, get cracking! If not, try adjusting them a bit.
just a friendly reminder…
Following your dreams should be about improving your lifestyle, not complicating it.
So, tell me, what’s the dream that you can achieve the easiest? Did you map out the process for it? Do you have the to-do lists ready? Let me know in the comments section below.
Next up we’re talking about the 5 key things you must do to see those dreams come true. So come on to the next step in this adventure with me!
and until next time don’t forget to DREAM. FOLLOW. DO.