20 Star Wars inspired recipes PERFECT for kitchen newbies

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Good morning, lovely dreamers and welcome to another ruble stumble through Maya’s mind today, and another geek lifestyle blog post here on Dreaming of Butterflies.

How’s your life going lately? We hope you are keeping yourself and your loved ones safe and trying to upgrade yourself and your lifestyle, aaaand also have some fun. You can’t just be working all the time, it’s okay (and recommended) to switch off once in a while.

We’re inspired by ourselves today, and particularly my love for cooking, eating (let’s be honest) and creating fun edible things for and with your loved ones. And it’s especially awesome when it comes from pop culture. Because geeks.

Today is all about Star Wars (again).


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Top 10 Super Easy and Delicious Desserts for kitchen newbies you can try during this quarantine

But why is today all about Star Wars, you ask?

Well, because May the 4th is not only Star Wars Day, but it’s also my birthday!

I like to say that I was destined to love Star Wars, because the Force chose me for this special day, lol. And the truth is I’ve loved Star Wars since I was a child and still use it (some might say as an excuse) to feel like one today, at the official beginning of my 30s.

From watching the movies to playing the games, (or other games that have Star Wars special editions, like Monopoly), to the Star Wars Colouring Book we found one day when walking around town, to collecting pillows, toys, and figurines.

I’m like the guys from How I Met Your Mother. I have to, just have to put on Star Wars and see it at least once every 3 years. And when I do, I go all out! Just ask Andy!

My dear Andy was okay with Star Wars, he played some of the games, but he never imagined that I was so passionate about these things and that I would end up turning our whole apartment into a geek cave. The guys from The Big Bang Theory would be proud!

Like Howard would say: “It’s Nerdvana”.

And today we’re tackling: the food.

From just super simple two-ingredient recipes to some a bit more complex, ones that do require a stove, the following recipes can be made by even the most inexperienced dreamers. And I’ll bet you won’t be able to resist.

But enough with the chit-chatting! Let’s get to it!

20 Star Wars inspired recipes to make even if you’re a kitchen newbie

1. Stormtrooper Marshmallows

Jumbo marshmallows, black food marker (food being the keyword here, you guys! we don’t want any poisonings now) and lollypop sticks make a great combo in this super simple DIY.

How To Make A Stormtrooper Marshmallow | CatchMyParty.com
Photo source and recipe: catchmyparty.com

2. Peanut Butter Cups

Ah, Darth Vader. The most recognizable “face” from Star Wars. All you need for these treats are the following: chocolate chips (we prefer the Dark Side), peanut butter, powdered sugar, and butter. And of course the Darth Vader silicone moulds or muffin tin.

Photo source and recipe: bakersandbest.com

3. Death Star Popcorn Balls

Even if you don’t have Star Wars Cereal and corn pieces, this is a super fun and easy recipe to do with plain popcorn, colourful popcorn, and marshmallows. Easy peasy.

Death Star popcorn balls
Photo source and recipe: theseamanmom.com

4. Tie Fighter Cookies

These look cute, they’re great for munching while playing Star Wars Monopoly let me tell you. And it doesn’t take that much time to make them either, especially if you have help. You’ll need Oreo Thin Crisps or any other thin biscuits, mini marshmallows, and cookie icing.

Photo source and recipe: celebrating-family.com

5. Snack Mix

We go back to Star Wars™ Darth Vader Cereal, Mixed Nuts, Raisins (or other dried fruit if you’re not into raisins – I enjoy tropical fruits), pretzel sticks and of course red and blue chocolate.

Star Wars Snack Mix 4 copy
Photo source and recipe: seevanessacraft.com

6. Baby Yoda Devilled Eggs

Yes, we’re having fun, but it’s not all just sweet treats. The main ingredient for this cute one: is eggs! We love to use free-range eggs when we’re not at home because the ones we get from our grannies are too fresh and don’t peal as beautifully, and rarely get to be perfect for this (we eat them like crazy when we’re here).

Also, if you don’t want to use green food colouring, just mix in some avocados and you’re set!

Baby Yoda Deviled Eggs are a perfect appetizer to serve at a Star Wars themed party... or just because they're super cute!
Photo source and recipe: totallythebomb.com

7. BB-8 Droid Quesadillas

Soft tortillas, cream cheese, other shredded cheese mixes, and black food colouring should do the trick.

droid quesadilla
Photo source and recipe: totallythebomb.com

8. Stormtrooper Rice Balls

Stormtrooper Egg Shaper, seaweed sheet, salmon, rice and furikake seasoning make the most interesting sushi you’ll eat in quite a while.

Photo source and recipe: starwars.com

9. Star Wars Death Star Pizza

The secret of this one is in the perfect pizza dough (here’s the recipe we do very often) and of course, in the arrangement of your salami and cheese. It’s easy, simple! and come on! Who doesn’t enjoy pizza?

Star Wars Death Star Personal Pizzas and String Cheese Storm Troopers
Photo source and recipe: artscrackers.com

10. TIE Striker Appetizers

Who knew that Wonton wrappers could be so delicious paired with tiny beer sausages, or even mini hotdogs (why not)? Yum, Yum, YUM! But don’t forget the mustard.

[Sponsored] The Geeks share their 3rd and final Rogue One: A Star Wars Story inspired recipe. They've gone all out with their TIE Striker Appetizers. 2geekswhoeat.com #StarWarsRecipes #StarWars #Appetizers #GeekyRecipes #GeekyFood #StarWarsParty #PartyIdeas
Photo source and recipe: 2geekswhoeat.com

11. Millennium Falcon meat pies

Inspired by the recipe below, we’ll remake these this year. The trick is in how you cook and season the meat, or you can go all veg with beans, mushrooms, eggplants, and soy!

Fill it with whatever makes you happy, but don’t forget the Star Wars cookie cutters.

Millennium Falcon Meat Pies
Photo source and recipe: coffeeandcrumpets.com

12. Wookie Cookies

Ah, Wookie Cookies! This was the first recipe I could think of when it came to making this list and it wouldn’t be an article without it, to be honest. We don’t use coffee of any form to make it, because I’m not allowed (a story for another time), but cocoa and chocolate are a must.

Photo source and recipe: niftyspoon.com

13. Princess Leia Cupcakes

We love the cupcake recipe already shared in our previous article, so that’s a must. The only things missing are the black icing and the Oreo cookies for the buns.

Photo source and recipe: totallythebomb.com

14. Sarlacc Bundt Cake

Sounds strange, and looks complicated, but if you want to try baking something interesting, and you are a bit artistic why not try this one? Brown sugar, Biscoff Cookie Crumbs, vanilla extract, and vanilla frosting are a must for this one to get the exact taste, but you could switch ingredients around. Do you, lovely dreamers!

Photo source and recipe: yummycrumble.com

15. Peppermint Jawa Brownies

Making peppermint brownies is quite easy. Just use the brownies recipe we’ve already shared, but put 1 drop of peppermint extract in the mix pre-baking. Use the Jawa cookie cutters to shape them, chocolate chips for the “faces” and use gold or yellow candy pearls for the eyes. Done!

Photo source and recipe: yummycrumble.com

16. Wampa Cake

This Wampa cake might look huge and very complex, but it’s quite easy. Use the red velvet cupcake mix from the last article, but instead of baking it in cupcake shapes, bake it as you would a cake.

Use cream cheese frosting, coconut flakes and chocolate for decor and you are done! ( oh, if you want the “blood” effect there are two ways for that: food colouring or red velvet crumble from the cake or both! your choice.)

Photo source and recipe: yummycrumble.com

17. The 7 Leia Dip

This is just a pun for a delicious tex-mex dip. Great for parties, great for families. Delicious.

Photo source and recipe: seededatthetable.com


Why not make some sandwiches with Rey’s portion bread? It’s amazing! Coconut oil, matcha powder, and ramekins are essential for this one.

Youtube source and recipe: rosannapansino.com

19. Mixed Media Cookie Art

Essentials for this one are royal icing – white, pink, black (or any other colours you wish!), cookies, #1 piping tip + bags, and a black food pen with a fine tip. An, of course, mad talent and patience. Didn’t quite master this one yet, but I’ll probably bribe a friend of ours to make some, one day.

Photo source and recipe: thesimple-sweetlife.com

20. Blue and Green milk

Epic. A staple of Star Wars, and dairy-free (yay!). Rosana knows her stuff. Mandatory equipment for this one: the blender and the food colouring: white, blue, green and yellow. The rest is just deliciousness and ice, mixed with love and dancing.

Youtube source and recipe: rosannapansino.com


21. The Yoda Soda

This one sounds so funny we just had to include it! If you love limes, you’ll go crazy about this one! Lime sherbet, some sort of lemon-lime soda like 7up, Sprite and maybe some lime wedges if you need an extra kick. Easy peasy.

Photo source and recipe: hicookery.com

We hope you enjoyed our top 10 Star Wars inspired recipes even newbies can make, and if you did, don’t forget to share it, pin it, or tweet it! We would appreciate it!

Our question for you is: Light Side or Dark Side?

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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