5+ Awesome health benefits of dark chocolate


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Updated on 03/02/2021.

Good morning, lovely dreamers, and welcome to another health-related blog post! In today's post, we're tackling something that is as surprising as it is delicious - dark chocolate.

As a dark chocolate lover myself, I couldn't just sit and see how people just ignore the fact that it is actually a good thing to eat it from time to time.

Of course, be careful to find the good quality dark chocolate, with over 70% concentration of cocoa powder. The higher the concentration of cocoa powder, the lower the sugar content.

Also, as a tip, if you find ones that have other sweeteners besides sugar, like stevia or maple syrup, you hit gold.

If you are a dark chocolate enthusiast like me, then you'll definitely enjoy knowing these benefits.


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Even though I can't eat that much dark chocolate anymore because of a genetic condition we discovered in 2018 that I have, I still enjoy the occasional benefits of dark chocolate.

But enough with the chit-chatting! Let's get to it!

5+  Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

1. It helps you lose weight


Yes! I said it! It actually helps you lose weight! Scientists say that if you eat a small piece of dark chocolate before or after your meals you end up eating less because it wakes up the part of the brain that knows when your stomach is full.

Of course, eating dark chocolate with limits, and also having a healthy diet is the way to go. You can't expect to just lose weight while killing carbs like George RR Martin kills all our beloved characters from Game of Thrones.

Personal experience: I do this from time to time and eat a small piece after a meal, often lunch, and I must say that it does make me feel better and fuller.

2. Great for digestion

A small piece once in a while when you have digestive issues like diarrhea or constipation can save the situation. It regulates the digestion and also cleanses the colon.

So next time you've got issues with your gut, just eat a little bit of dark chocolate and stop stressing about what pills to take!

3. It protects the heart and the brain

Chocolate relaxes the blood vessels for a better circulation and lowers the cholesterol level.

Studies show that eating dark chocolate twice or more times per week, in time, it actually protects the heart and helps oxygenate the brain, lowering the risk of strokes.

Bet you want some dark chocolate now!

4. It's good for moms and babies

A study shows that pregnant women who eat dark chocolate have happier babies than the ones that don't.

Apparently, eating it lowers the stress level in moms-to-be. Why? Because of the fact that eating chocolate releases endorphins, and they are the things that basically make you happy.

So, gorgeous pregnant ladies, don't be afraid of eating dark chocolate once in a while!

5. It reduces the risk of diabetes

It was proved that if consumed in small amounts once in a while, dark chocolate improves insulin sensitivity because of the cocoa beans it contains.

And again, there are several types of dark chocolate perfect for diabetics as well, with other natural sweeteners instead of sugar, that actually help in coping with diabetes.

6. It protects the skin

Scientists say that the flavanols from the cocoa beans in the dark chocolate help with skin hydration and improve the blood flow to the skin. This means that chocolate keeps it healthy from the inside, but you still have to do your part and care for it from the outside as well.

But hey, next summer you can be extra prepared - eat some dark chocolate before your next day out at the beach.

Although, don't forget the sun cream.

Aaaaand that's all for today, lovely dreamers! We hope you enjoyed our list of health benefits of dark chocolate that we prepared for you today, and if you did, make sure to share it, pin it, tweet it!

Our question for you is: What other benefits of dark chocolate do you know?

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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