How to clean everyday tech objects like a pro!


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Good morning, lovely dreamers! And welcome to another life hacks related blog post. Today, we want to share with you why and how you need to clean the everyday objects you're most certainly using right now, to read this.


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When was the last time you gave a proper clean routine to your tech devices? To your dear laptop? What about your cell phone? Or your tablet? Or your headphones? What about your game controllers?

It's funny how we always forget about the things we use the most.

Did you know that, apparently, the keyboard from your laptop has more germs on it than your toilet seat? Now, that's disturbing!

I must confess that I am one of the guilty ones. I often want to do it, clean my tech, but never actually go through with it. I always do something else.

Like lose myself on Pinterest, I write, and write, and write until my fingers fall off, or I play a game and there goes my attention. Are you the same?

Your phone is also a nasty little thing.

I'm not just mentioning that because your battery dies when you are in the middle of a battle, or a race, or a Dreaming Of Butterflies article - hey, I'm just saying :) - but because of the number of bacteria on that little thing is impressive.

Your other tech objects, even though are not used so often, do get some unwanted attention from germs as well, so you know that you need to think about them too when you start your " tech cleaning session".

The funny thing is that the more you use them, the dirtier they get!

We need to do something about this problem now, so that's why, in honour of Tipsy Thursday, today I present to you the best 5 tips on how to clean your precious tech objects fast and easy!

But enough with the chit-chatting! Let's get to it!

5 Everyday Tech Objects that you need to clean

1. Clean your Laptop

Your darling baby laptop needs some TLC from time to time. It only takes a few minutes and it's necessary. I actually damaged a key from my laptop because I didn't clean it on time, now sometimes I have issues when I have to write numbers.

Because we don't want that to happen to you, here is a great video from the amazing Melissa and Chad from Clean My Space (the best in this business of cleaning, if you ask me!)

You don't even need all the cleaning essentials you have in your home, just the disinfectant, cloth, distilled water, compressed air, and patience.

Source: Clean My Space

2. Clean your Phone & Tablets

The device on this list that we use the most. Our precious! The one and only, the thing that goes with us everywhere we go, including to the toilet.

Yes, I know, I know, it's supposed to be a secret, but let's face it! We all do it! The fact that we are so addicted to it makes this little piece of tech is one of the dirtiest things in your home, including your toilet and garbage.

If this fact doesn't make you want to clean it, I don't know what will!

Think of the fact that you touch that thing every day, you put it on your face! It needs proper cleaning as often as possible! All you need is your handy disinfectant and soft fibre cloth.

The basic idea of how to properly clean your phone applies to all the other tablets and Kindles you may have in your home, so I beg you, give them some love too!

Source: Buzzfeed

3. Clean your gaming controllers

My fellow gamers, this one is for you.

I know you would rather do anything but clean, but think of it this way: if you don't clean it on time, it might get damaged and you might get in trouble when you're in combat. And you know how much you care about the game!

So, in order to not lose any more precious time, let's get to it! What you need: Disinfectant, a fibre cloth, and a toothbrush!

Source: Clean My Space

4. Clean your headphones and earbuds

They are the perfect means to disconnect you from your troubles and help you through the day. When I was 12, I got my first Walkman ( damn, I'm old!), and became totally addicted to my headphones. I loved the fact that those little things can throw me into my own world.

Now, I know that they can get dirty really fast, especially if you are one of those who uses in-ear earbuds, and we all know how dirty they really get, especially after work-out.

When you get to the level of "What the heck is that?" after you get them out, you know!

Cleaning them is not as hard, or expensive as you might think. All you need is a mixture of dishwasher and water, a clean cloth, and a little patience. For the metallic part, if there is dirt on it, use a clean toothbrush to scrape the excess off!

Source: Popsugar

5. Clean your external keyboard and mouse

Did you think that they would escape this cleaning process? Oh, no! For the keyboard, use the basics that you already know from cleaning your laptop.

For the mouse, my personal favourite way to clean it is to put a little bit of my DIY disinfectant on a microfiber cloth and to wipe it off! Easy as that!

Aaand that's all for today, lovely dreamers! We hope you enjoyed our 5 tips on how to properly clean everyday tech objects, and if you did, make sure to share it, pin it, tweet it!

My question for you is: How dirty is your phone?


  1. Clean My Space: How to Clean a Laptop (Clean My Space)
  2. Buzzfeed: Here's How To Actually Clean Your Disgusting Phone
  3. Clean My Space: Clean A Game Controller
  4. PopSugar: How to Properly Clean Your Earbuds

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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