Good morning, lovely dreamers! How's What day the 31st of Maytober going for you? We hope you're one of the lucky ones that got to stick together and have not set up camp on the other corner of the house just to avoid each other, or worse broken up during these uncertain times.
Let's face it. Everyone fights everyone at some point.
But nothing compares to fighting with your significant other and you know that. Be it for silly reasons like taking out the trash, washing the dishes or for more serious stuff, no one really wants or likes to fight (unless you are a crazy person).Today is not necessarily why we fight, it's not about the fights themselves. Today is about how to learn from them, avoid them and how to use them to evolve on a personal level as an individual AND as a relationship.
We all know that the COVID-19 lockdown has made a mark on our lives forever.
While the health care providers and the ones aiding them in the first lines struggle in their battle with this virus, we also need to do our part in this particular war. Stayin home, crushing the curve, being responsible is far more important than anything we want to do right now.
This is not a situation where someone tells you "you can't play with that toy", and all you want is that toy. No.
We must sacrifice our freedom for our health for a while. Yes, it sounds crazy for the most of us, but even after the lockdown will be over (that's this week in Transylvania and way too early if you ask us), it's still wise to spend less time out, and more time in. Even with all the sun and summer vibes.
As long as there's no vaccine for this, we must keep our distance from others and still limit our time outside, even after the end of the quarantine.
This definitely means that you have been and will still be spending A LOT more time with your significant other, above all else, and for quite some time. Naturally, this elevates every type of feeling you have for your significant other - the love, the butterflies and the irritation you feel for the little things that annoyed you sometimes in the past.
But enough with the chit-chatting! Let's get to it!
How the Lockdown could Save your Relationship
Before we can talk about how to save a relationship, we must talk about the ingredients that make a relationship strong, and how each of them they can influence us as individuals, and us as a relationship.
- Respect
You might think that the most important thing in any relationship is love, or any of the next points listed below, but in reality, the number 1 thing is, and always will be Respect.
When you respect someone, you don't want to do harm to that person - physically or mentally. This is why cheating is out of the question. Instead, you can do like we do: have an arrangement. IF there is the need/desire to be with another person, just say it beforehand and don't cause harm after the fact. Be honest. You admire that person, you listen and care about what they say and do.
Where there is respect, you won't find issues like inequality, or that only the woman has to take care of the house, the kids, and the man has to work and take care of business.
- Communication
To be able to talk about anything and everything is vital for a long-lasting relationship, even when the conversations are about unpleasant topics or difficult situations. From talking about one's childhood, dreams, aspirations ... but also (and most importantly) everyday life's issues: fears, problems (professional or personal).It's the healthiest exercise you can do together as a couple, but it's not just about talking. It's about writing to each other (messages, tiny notes hidden around the house for the other to find), and even sharing stupid stuff you find on social media.
Be open with each other and everything will be much better over time and you'll even have fewer fights!
- Sex
It might not be the most important thing, but having a happy sex life is right up there with respect and communication. As long as there is fire, as long as there is a connection, everything else falls into place.
In order to be happy with your sex life, there are a few things you can do: don't put pressure on yourselves, be open about what you want, feel, need, and most importantly, don't lie. If you didn't have an orgasm (talkin' to you ladies!) don't lie!
The man that loves you and wants to be with you will do whatever he can to satisfy you, but he needs your help to do so. For them it's easy! Bam, bam. bam! Done. For us, ladies, it's all in the head and you know it.
Prolong the foreplay, play games, get toys to help, a swing (why not?)! The important thing is to keep an open mind and to be honest.
- Friendship
Andy and I were actually talking about this point just yesterday. It is so important (and also very calming) to be best friends with your partner. To be able to talk about anything and everything, to cry together, laugh together, cook together, exercise together is not only good for you, but it's one of the ingredients that strengthen your relationship.
Yes, you might have your other friendships since childhood, you got your girls, you got your boys, but if you wish to be happy (who doesn't? am I right?) be as open, if not even more with your loved one.
Us, for example, because we speak several languages we kind of made up our own language around the house that covers all of them, basically, and we understand each other even when we speak half Romanian, with English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and even German sprinkled in there from time to time. Personally, I can't imagine doing this with anyone else.
- Love
And last, but not least, there's love. Pure, unconditional, crazy love. The love that gives you butterflies, that keeps you up at night when you're not together and incredibly calm when you are in each other's arms. The love that makes you do crazy stuff like moving in together from the first week because you couldn't sleep without each other (our true story)!You see, Andy and I had a strong relationship from the get-go because we've been honest with each other. We knew we both had a past, but we never used it as weapons against each other. We're a team. A team that fights together for the same goal.
But how can I save my relationship? I hear you ask. Well, Here's how:
1. Respect each other's space
No matter how close you are as a couple, being stuck under the same roof for long periods of time can drive anyone mad at some point. When you're studying or working, you need your space, you need to be in your bubble.Have a serious chat with your significant other about limits, time frames, and how not to interrupt each other. Create a timetable of the day and try to respect it.
2. Deep clean and declutter together
Boredom (and this virus) managed to turn us from couch potatoes into cleaning freaks for a moment there, so one of our activities during this lockdown was obviously deep cleaning the apartment and reorganising our stuff.Luckily for us, we're in our newly refurbished apartment (new DIY series coming soon btw!) so our deep cleaning process was mostly done, but we still had some stuff here and there that needed our attention.That's what you could do also - one picks up the vacuum cleaner, the other the mop. One cleans the dust from every surface, the other the windows, and so on. Take this time to also declutter your space. Take out everything you don't need anymore.
Related: DIY cleaning products for newbies -cheap, easy, natural
3. Redecorate and organise together
After all the cleaning is done, organise and improve upon your living spaces. Pinterest is filled with ideas for every type of space, so it's impossible for you not to find at least one idea for each room that can help you improve your space.If your local DIY shops don't deliver or are closed during the lockdown, you could plan in advance for after the reopening, or if there's an emergency, there's always Amazon for your every need.
4. Cook meals together
Every woman knows how sexy a man looks when he's in the kitchen (or is it just me?) We know that there's a relief when you eat takeout because you pay some money and half an hour later the food is done and right at your doorstep, BUT there are so many advantages of cooking your own meals!
It's way cheaper. You know exactly what you have on your plate, so there are no surprises, and you can have fun experimenting together different recipes as well. From a simple omelette to a pizza, and even a roasted veggie cream soup, you can make them all if you have patience and a partner there to help you figure it out.
5. Read to each other
There is a lot of comfort in listening to each other's voice while doing another simple or robotic activity around the house, so why not take this time and read to each other? We like to do this while one of us is either playing a game, painting miniatures, but especially every night before sleep.
Start with something interesting, like fantasy books. The Harry Potter book series for example. Use them as a means of breaking out of this harsh reality we're in right now. It will make your time fly and your mind wander.
6. Play some games
Board games, pc games, console games. Games, games, games!
They're not just for boys and men, you know. It's fun to let your partner teach you how to play something, and then maybe get better than him at it and kick his butt! And when there's so many to choose from, why not give it a try?
7. Watch (ALL THE) movies!
From binge-watching Netflix's best of, to diving into Star Wars, the Marvel Collection and preparing for Harry Potter, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings for the thousand time, there are quite a few things to watch that will definitely keep you entertained together for a long, long time.
Don't forget to sleep once in a while though.
8. Learn something new together
Since we came back home, we decided something. No matter what we do and how much time we spend on other activities, we want to do one thing. We want to break our "stupidity" cycle, as we call it, and keep on learning and upgrading our skills and life.
From professional to personal skills, it's important to keep your mind busy and expanding. Flatten the curve of the virus while rounding the ones on your brain. If you're looking for a great place to start, try Udemy or Skillshare.
There are TONS of courses out there that deserve your attention.
9. Take long baths together
If your space is large enough to keep you both comfortable, why not take a bubble bath together once in a while? It's the perfect occasion to admire each other's faces and bodies and get more comfortable with each other.
As an exercise, try expressing what you love about each other. This will extend the intimacy and will also build up your foreplay and self-esteem.
10. Plan for the future together
As life took a drastic turn for all of us during these months, with travel and even simple outdoor couples activities like walking, or even grocery shopping going from a weekly sport to a fun memory, all that's left of us is to plan for the future.
Frankly, I can't wait to be able to just get out of the house and go for a walk in nature with Andy. Even if it's just through our grandmother's gardens.
That's what keeps you sane. Planning future adventures, but make sure to be responsible, whatever you choose. Keep the distance, wear a mask and keep avoiding large groups.If you are as unfortunate as we are and have to change the wedding plans or postpone, don't lose hope. Take this time to strengthen your relationship, and think that your wedding will be more meaningful and beautiful after all this has passed.
Aaaand that's all for today, lovely dreamers! We hope you enjoyed today's thoughts about how the COVID-19 lockdown can save your relationship, and if you did, why not share it, pin it, tweet it? We will surely appreciate your effort!