5+ Quick and Easy Lazy People Cleaning Hacks even your mom would approve

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Updated on 01/02/2021.

Good morning, lovely dreamers, and welcome to another blog post. In today's list, we'll go over some life hacks we've picked up along the way, in the cleaning department. And of course, celebrating the amazing women that taught us these

Mothers are amazing, aren't they?

You called your mom, and she explained that you don't need to turn into Wonder Woman or Superman to make cleaning happen fast and easy, nor that you should make absurd sacrifices to the Lord of Light, Melisandre! (Wow, that was a blast from the past, wasn't it?)

Thankfully, I like my house clean and somewhat organized, and I've picked up some tricks from my mom, grandmother and future mom-in-law along the way.

They are actually the inspiration behind today's top of cleaning life hacks.

And as Covid-19 hit and all of our lives are now turned inside out, you know now more than ever how important having a clean home can be for your health and safety.

If you are lazy, don't have time, don't like to clean in general, these hacks are for you.

But enough with the chit-chatting! Let's get to it!

5+ Lazy People Cleaning Hacks you need to know

1. Pick a spot

Let me explain. The easy way to keep it all clean is to have a cleaning schedule every week, for the places in your house.

If your time is super limited, have just 30 minutes of cleaning scheduled  per day, and by the time Sunday comes you can relax.

Let's say that today you clean your wardrobe, tomorrow you vacuum and dust, the next day you clean the bathroom and so on. Pick one spot out of the house to clean every day, for half an hour, and you are done!

2. Dance cleaning


Make cleaning a fun activity. Even though it's work, that doesn't mean that it can't be fun. Put on some great music and dance while you clean. It can be anything you like and makes you feel good and energized.

For me, it's mandatory to listen to Queen- "I want to break free", every time I vacuum clean. I can't function without it! since I was a little girl I loved cleaning on that song.

3. Always make your bed in the morning

This is an advice that I got from my mother when I was a little kid. When you make your bed, your room instantly looks cleaner. That's why I made it a habit to always make my bed in the morning, especially now that I work from home.

4. Cook and clean

Even if you are a messy monster in the kitchen when you cook, always, always find time to clean while you are in there. For example, if you are making cupcakes, while they bake, clean the bowls, utensils and the surface you used to make the mix on.

If you are cooking a soup and it spilt a little on the stove, clean it right away! Don't let it sit there because the spot will burn and harden and it will get hard to clean. By the time the meal is done, you'll be tired, but at least your kitchen will be clean.

5. Dich the dish monster ASAP

I call "the dish monster" the pile of dishes that formed in the sink after every meal. Even though the last thing you want to do after you finished eating is to clean anything, this is something you have to do, for your own good.

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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