10 Brilliantly Simple Winter Home Decorations for the Frugal

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Good morning, lovely dreamers and welcome to another DIY post here on the DoB blog!

1. 10 Genius Alternative Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas
2. 20 Super Fun Alternative Christmas Trees

Because all of us DIYers needed some inspiration for this Winter's season home decor, of course, we searched Pinterest far and wide for the nicest, most inexpensive and actually doable projects.

Let us tell you, we've seen some strange stuff out there, and A LOT of Christmas home decorations, but we wanted this article to be for the whole season, not just December and Christmas.

For the following projects, you won't need much, besides some time and attention, and the best part is that everything you need (that isn't already in your home) can be found online, on Amazon or eBay (yay!).

Basics that you'll need:

But enough with the chit-chatting! Let's get to it!

10 Brilliantly Simple Winter Home Decorations for the Broke

1. Glue Gun Snowflakes, from We Lived Happily Ever After

This is super simple and fun to make, and let's face it, cheap as hell! A low temp glue gun can make wonders, don't you think?

Source: We Lived Happily Ever After

2. How to Make a Snowball Wreath, from Daisy Mae Belle

Childhood all over again! You'll definitely need a styrofoam wreath form, styrofoam balls of multiple dimensions, fake snow, a low temp glue gun, and finish it all with a red satin ribbon. It doesn't get easier than that, and you'll get a very interesting wreath.

Source: Daisy Mae Belle


Let's put a little sparkle this winter around the house, shall we? The pinecones go for free if you're willing to get outside and find them, or you can just buy them online for a very good price. Next, add some white acrylic paint, some PVA glue, and of course, the glitter! Tie them with a silver cord, and you're set!

A classic frosty pinecone craft with a clever twist makes gorgeous Winter and Christmas ornaments. A super frosty, super sparkly and super fun Winter craft for kids!

Source: Kids Craft Room

4. No-Sew Sock Penguin Craft, from Easy Peasy and Fun

Ever thought of what the hell you could do with that poor sock that lost its twin? or that got too old to be worn again? Here's a super cute project for you!

Easy No-Sew Sock Penguin Craft for Kids

Source: Easy Peasy and Fun

5. DIY Holiday Floating Candles, from Bell Alimento

Let's put some magic in this Winter's decorations, shall we? The small candles, fresh cranberries, rosemary sprigs, jars, and water is all you need!

DIY Holiday Floating Candles

Source: Bell Alimento

6. Anthropologie inspired Snow Globes, from Whipper Berry

Snowglobes are a weakness for many people, or am I the only one? There's just something about them that makes me smile, I guess. And oh, how easy it is to make one!

Source: Whipper Berry

7. Fairy Light Jars, from Making Lemonade Blog

This is another great idea to use the jars that we just love, love, love!

Source: Making Lemonade Blog


Just because of pinecones, fake snow, candles and jars look so good put together...

Snowy Pinecone Candle Jar Luminaries @amandaformaro Crafts by Amanda

Source: Crafts by Amanda

9. Bleached Tablescape, from Aesthetic Nest

This is something I've been thinking of doing for a couple of years now, and guess what? This year I'm going for it! They look so good!

Source: Aesthetic Nest

10. Snowman Door, from The CreativeStamper Spot

And last, but definitely not least, for the kids in us, the Snowman Door! Scrapbook paper, scissors, and imagination do wonders for your plain white doors. Don't you think?

Source: The Creative Stamper Spot

Aaand, that's all for today folks! If you liked this, don't forget to share it, pin it, tweet it! We would sure appreciate it!

Our question for you is: What do you think about this list?

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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