20 Super Fun Alternative Christmas Trees

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Good morning, lovely dreamers! And welcome to another Christmas infused article here on the Dreaming of Butterflies blog.

Updated November 2021.

Christmas is a very confusing and tiring time when you’re officially an adult, don’t you think?

Now you have to do it all: from cleaning, decorating, shopping and packing the gifts and let’s not forget, acting surprised when you open them. This, added to being responsible with your money (aka on a budget), can take the fun out of Christmas completely… If you let it. But we don’t want to let it… do we?

1. 10 Genius Alternative Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas
2. 10 Brilliantly Simple Winter Home Decorations for the Broke

As we’re sitting in bed, me, being Maya, in my Hogwarts onesie and Andy in his Assassin’s Creed Pj that we got for Christmas a few years ago, re-watching Harry Potter and enjoying each other’s company, we thought about how big and space consuming were the Christmas trees we used to have back home when we were kids.

Even though they were almost as beautiful as the ones Hagrid brings to Hogwarts every year, and they smelled amazing, we try to be more conscious now when it comes to the Christmas trees that we have in our home.

Since we moved on our own almost 10 years ago, we limited ourselves to minimalistic and different Christmas trees throughout the years. From ones that are just a few inches tall, in a pot, that can stand on the table or on the floor, to artificial ones of various sizes, to a completely white one, to simply having a drawing of a Christmas tree on the window (while renovating), we had them all.

For this year, we’re searching for something different, that’s why we thought, why not share our findings with you, our lovely dreamers? That’s how this list was born.

Let’s bring the fun back, while saving the forests as well, shall we?

But enough with the chit-chatting! Let’s get to it!

20 Super Fun Alternative Christmas Trees

1. Pallet Christmas Tree, by Redhead Can Decorate

Easy Pallet Christmas Tree Tutorial

Source: Redhead Can Decorate


Source: Amazon

3. Decorated Branch, from Rebecca June

Source: Rebecca June

4. PVC-Pipe Tree, by Martha Stewart

Source: Martha Stewart

5. Spiral Christmas Tree Rope Light Silhouette, from Amazon

Source: Amazon

6. Hanging Branches Christmas Tree, by Ueberall&Nirgendwo

Source: Ueberall&Nirgendwo

7. DIY String Light Christmas Tree, from A Pair & A Spare

DIY String Light Christmas Tree

Source: A Pair & A Spare

8. Last year’s beer = this year’s Christmas tree, from Reddit

This looks like fun, fun I wouldn’t do it with a cat in the house though… Then is just a recipe for disaster!

Source: Reddit

9. The Alternative Christmas Tree, from BLDG 25 Blog

Source: BLDG 25 Blog

10. The Books Christmas Tree, from The alphabetical order

Source: The alphabetical order

11. Christmas tree ornament mobile, by Not Martha

Source: Not Martha

12. DIY Post-it Note Christmas Tree, from A Pair & A Spare

Perfect for the office, no?

Source: A Pair & A Spare

13. Portal Christmas, from Imgur

This looks so fun! But I wonder what a pet might think of this?

Our Portal Christmas.

Source: Imgur

14. DIY Alternative Christmas Tree, by BLDG 25 Blog

Source: BLDG 25 Blog

15. LED Indoor Christmas Tree, from Amazon

Source: Amazon

16. TOMATO CAGE CHRISTMAS TREE, by New England Design & Construction

Source: New England Design & Construction

17. Makedo Cardboard Christmas Tree, from Instructables

Source: Instructables

18. Cardboard Cartoon Christmas Tree, from Imgur

All decorated and lit up!

Source: Imgur

19. Brown Paper Christmas Tree, by Crafts a la mode

Source: Crafts a la mode

20. White Christmas Tree, from Amazon

Source: Amazon

Aaaaaand, that’s all for today lovely dreamers! We hope you enjoyed our article for these alternative DIY Christmas Trees, and if you did, make sure to share it, pin it, tweet it! We won’t stop you!

Our question for you is: How did your Christmas tree look like last year? Post your awesome pictures in the comments below! Can’t wait to see them!

P.S. We hope you’ll have a lovely New Year filled with goal achievements, self-improvement, and all the good lifestyle changes you want! We promise to be here for you and help you with advice and ideas in the year to come!

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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