10 Genius Alternative Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas

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Updated November 2021.

1. 20 Super Fun Alternative Christmas Trees
2. 10 Brilliantly Simple Winter Home Decorations for the Broke

Good morning, lovely dreamer & welcome to another Christmas infused article here on the DoB blog!

It’s official now.

Our beloved celebration, Halloween, is done. Gone. Halloween is out of the way for Christmas this year ( and now a very sarcastic “Yaaaay!”), and our attention is immediately drawn to the next season’s issues – decorations, food, gift guides, and of course – how to wrap the presents.

And it’s so sad to see it go, but before we even blink twice, Christmas will be at our doors, so we must prepare (*Brace yourselves, Christmas is coming!*).

Along with the perfect gifts for everyone, the decorations, and oh, the food menu, one little thing that always has a nice personal touch is how you decide to wrap the gifts for your loved ones.

I don’t know about you, but me, being Maya, even though I said that I would definitely be a total Grinch this year and cancel Christmas, I still have a soft spot for creating a surprise for my love, Andy.

Part of that surprise is of course, how the presents are wrapped. Because I rarely use conventional wrapping paper, even though it’s not that expensive, to be honest, I like to go more alternative with this as well (loving the uniqueness, yes!)…

Plus, if you’re on the creative side, it’s fun when you can achieve something so amazing, with random stuff that you most likely already have around the house, like aluminium foil, pom-poms (is it just me?), black, brown and white paper and strings and ribbons.

But enough with the chit-chatting! Let’s get to it!

10 Genius Alternative Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas – so simple, so affordable

1. Sheet music paper, by Maison de Pax

Source: Maison de Pax

2. Aluminum kitchen foil, from Honestly Modern

Source: Honestly Modern

3. Typographic Gift Wrap, by ManMade

Source: ManMade

4. GIFT WRAPPING WITH FRESH PINE, from Shannon Kirsten

Source: Shannon Kirsten

5. Turn an old book into gift bags, by Craft and Creativity

Old book turned into gift bags - by Craft & Creativity

Source: Craft and Creativity

6. PAPER STRAW STARS, from Splash of Something

Paper Straw Star

Source: Splash of Something

7. Make a gift bow from old magazines, by 100 Layer Cake

gift wrap bow

Source: 100 Layer Cake

8. Yarn Scraps from Hobby Craft

Source: Hobby Craft


Source: Bonnie Christine

10. Simplicity + holiday gift tags, from Almost Makes Perfect

Source: Almost Makes Perfect

Aaaaand, that’s all for today, lovely dreamers! We hope you enjoyed our top 10 of alternative Christmas gift wrapping ideas, and if you did, please don’t be shy! Share it, pin it, tweet it! We would really appreciate it if you did!

Our question for you is: What’s your favorite Christmas treat?

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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