Updated October 2021.
Good morning & Happy Halloween lovely dreamers and welcome to another lifestyle, last-minute DIY, Halloween edition, here on the DoB blog! How are you during this still uncertain, crazy, Covid-19 madness of October?
Our inner kids are screaming with excitement (are we the only ones?)! It’s October again, it’s Halloween again!
But what do you do when you’re in your 20s and 30s, on a strict budget because you’re being financially responsible (and big dreams), and can’t afford to/ don’t want to buy some of those Halloween costumes for couples that you’ve seen here and there, but still want to dress up?
Because we care about you, lovely dreamers, and because we know that you can get creative, but you just need a little inspiration, we thought that we would show you a small selection of some of the most fantastic and easy ideas we found on Pinterest.
Some of these include tutorials, some are self-explanatory, but all of them are just genius! Why stick to the boring, or to the non-existent costume, when you can create most of these with what you already have around your house?
20+ Awesome Halloween Costumes for Couples
20+ Super Creative Halloween Costumes for Couples you Need to try to DIY yourself
20+ Funny & Scary Adult Halloween Face Masks for a safe 2020 trick-or-treat
20+ Amazing 2020 Halloween Make-up Ideas you can find on Instagram
How to throw the Pinterest Worthy Adult Halloween Party of the Year
20 Perfect Halloween Movies you need to watch in October
10 Absolutely Amazing Halloween Skull Makeup Tutorials you’ll Love
10 Super Easy & Cheap DIY Halloween Decorations you will LOVE
But enough with the chit-chatting! Let’s get to it!
20 Absolutely Genius Last Minute Halloween Costumes for Couples to try this year
1.Bandits. from Say Yes
Source: Say Yes
So easy, so effective! The only things you need to DIY are those masks and the bags. Or, if you want to switch it up, you can transform that into a mime costume in no time, if you have the patience and time to do the makeup.
2. COUPLES M&M COSTUME, from Keeping it classy: Finding Prince Charming

Source: Keeping it classy: Finding Prince Charming
Some might say that this is not even a costume (Andy!), but I think it works Yes, it’s basic, but it still counts! And if you’re not going to go out because of quarantine, or god knows what madness may come by Halloween, yoi’re golden.
3. Double Stuffed Oreos, by Aubrey Jo

Source: Aubrey Jo
Love and Oreos go so well together, don’t you think? ( And now we’re craving Oreos, damn it!)
4. Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler, by Bibliophile Emily

Source: Bibliophile Emily
One of our favourite shows ever! Of course, we couldn’t help ourselves and had to include Shamy on this list.
5. Alice in Wonderland and the Rabbit, from Keyko Linn

Source: Keiko Linn
Cute, cute, cute! That’s all I can say.
6. Elliott and Gertie – E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, from To Adventure

Source: To Adventure
I was instantly brought back in time, 20 years ago, to the first time I saw ET. Well, this year we’re dead set (pun intended) to be skeletons, but maybe next year?
7. Struck by lightning, by Julie Ann Art

Source: Julie Ann Art
Simple and effective! And the fact that there is a mutilated umbrella in the mix, glorious! ( we kind of hate umbrellas hehe!)
8. Ash Ketchum and Pikachu, from Coolest

Source: Coolest Homemade Costumes
We know it’s a little past the Pokemon Go phase, but this one is still a good idea, for all the Pokemon fans out there!
9. Dexter and his latest victim, from Coolest Homemade Costumes

Source: Coolest Homemade Costumes
This couples costume is one of our favourites, not only because we adore Dexter, but because of how simple it is. And these guys absolutely rock!
10. Google Maps, by How to Play House

Source: How to Play House
When we used to live in Scotland we were so attached to our Google Maps, you wouldn’t believe it. Now we miss the travel! Still surprised that we’re not going as Google Maps this year, though.
11. Pacman And Miss Pacman, from Julie Ann Art

Source: Julie Ann Art
Ah, childhood! Am I the only one with the soundtrack in their head right now?
12. French chef and his masterpiece, by Studio DIY

Source: Studio DIY
Oui, oui! Fantasticly simple and effective.
13. Marionette Puppets, from Costume Works

Source: Costume Works
There was a song by the Romanian singer Antonia that went something like: “I wanna be your puppet on a string… I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette”. Not my kind of music, but the kind that you hear once and sticks with you. And now that’s gonna be stuck in my head, damn it!
14. Marionette and Wind-Up Doll, from Coolest Homemade Costumes

Source: Coolest Homemade Costumes
Still singing that song in my mind… so yea, I needed to feature another marionette and string puppet couple.
15. LUMBERJACK & A TREE, from Fish&Bull

Source: Fish&Bull
Simple. Effective. Done and done.
16. Salt and Pepper, from Evite
Source: Evite
Stepping into the black and white land, let’s start with the couple that gives any party a little bit of flavor, salt and pepper.
17. Silent Film Stars, by Shrimp Salad Circus

Source: Shrimp Salad Circus
Elegance, simplicity, and silence.
18. Morticia and Gomez Addams, from Coolest Homemade Costumes

Source: Coolest Homemade Costumes
The Addams family are Halloween royalty, so it was obvious that they were going to be on this list as well, especially since these guys look absolutely stunning!
19. Zombie Bride and Groom, from Coolest Homemade Costumes

Source: Coolest Homemade Costumes
Going a little more bloody, this is a fun occasion for the newlyweds who don’t mind trashing some thrifted wedding attire.
20. Skeleton Couple, from Costume Works

Source: Costume Works
Or why bother with a big costume when you only need some fantastic skeleton makeup?
Aaand that’s it for today, lovelies! We hope you enjoyed our list of 20 last-minute Halloween Costumes for Couples, and if you liked it, don’t forget to share it, pin it, tweet it! We promise we won’t haunt you if you do!

Our question for you is: What was your favourite last-minute costume?