5 Awesome Food Photography Secrets you need to know


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Because we care about helping you improve your skills, these following tips and tricks will bring you closer to achieve your food photography goals in no time! You don’t have to believe us, you have to believe them, the food bloggers.

These ideas are simple, easy to follow and to understand, fairly cheap to make, and most importantly, effective. You don’t even need some incredibly fancy camera to be able to create the most visually appealing photo.

But, for you to understand these secrets, you’ll need some basic knowledge of photography, and you need to be comfortable with your camera. We know how any beginner needs the best information told in a simple manner, that’s why we did our best to find the best for you.

Ready, gorgeous? Let’s get started!

5 Awesome Food Photography Secrets you need to know


The background of every photo is very important. The simpler the background, the bigger the impact of your subject. For food photography, a wooden background has a very big impact.

It’s clean, simple, but not boring. And it can be done so easily!

Source: Love Grows Wild


Props. Everyone uses them, everyone needs them for achieving a good photo. BUT, you don’t need to go overboard with them – don’t spend tons of money. For food photography, the best props are actually surprising, and you may already have them!

Blog post at The Endless Meal : I get asked a lot of questions about my food photography and wanted to share with you a few of the food photography props that I use to ma[..]:

Source: The Endless Meal

3. 10 Tips for Food Photography & Styling, from Drizzle and Dip

Now that you have your base and your props, let’s get into the details. You need to know how your camera works, how light works, how to set the mood of your photo and how to arrange your subject.

Styling is very important and also, how you present your subject, in this case, your food is very personal, but there are a few tricks that help you in that area as well, for the best impact.

Source: Drizzle and Dip

4. 5 Ways to improve your food photography with artificial light, by Pinch of Yum

What do you do when natural light is just not good enough for you? Or you’re living on the shadowy side of the neighborhood and you never have good lighting? You must learn the do’s and don’t of artificial lighting.

It’s easier than you think!

5 Ways to Improve your Food Photography with Artificial Light

Source: Pinch of Yum

5. PHOTOGRAPHING COLD DRINKS, from Food Bloggers of Canada

Summer is here, and cold drinks are everywhere. The trick is to make yours stand out from all the others. How can you do that you ask?

There are a few simple things to do, like using ice cubes, freezing the glasses before the shoot and using natural light to its full potential.

Food Photography: Photographing Cold Beverages | Food Bloggers of Canada

Source: Food Bloggers of Canada

Using these tips and tricks will improve your food photography, but the most important things you have to do to actually achieve your goal is to put love into your art and practice, practice, practice.

Experiment, test, create. Go wild, but not too wild.

We hope you enjoyed our 5 awesome food photography secrets!

Our question for you is: What other secrets do you know and use?

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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