The She Approach to Boosting Your Blog Traffic - Honest E-Book Review - Does it work?


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Updated October 2021.

Good morning, lovely dreamers, and welcome to another blogging related article here on the Dreaming of Butterflies blog! Today, we're dissecting an e-book that promises to "teach you exactly what you need to do to grow a real & loyal following and it will arm you with the tips, tricks and resources you need to boost your blog traffic" - as Ana, its creator, puts it. You in?

Blogging as "job", aka for profit, is not as easy at most people say it is (not for all of us anyway), and sometimes, even if you've been doing it for a while and think that you have it all "figured out", you get overwhelmed and lost. (I know I did, and not just once!)

Here's where "The She Approach to Boosting Your Blog Traffic" e-book comes into play, and today we're going to give you our honest e-book review, without spoiling anything, of course.

Andy and I, being Maya, have been on this unexpected blogging journey since the 1st of March, 2017. In these past few years since starting, we've been through good days, very good days and even some bad days with our blog (like under 200 people per day on the blog).

We've gone through a lot of changes, like breaking from our shells, finding our voices, to learning, evolving, making tons of mistakes and celebrating small wins whenever they arrived. We've done them all.

But when our blog started having problems, and with the changes in our personal lives, we just got lost in it all. The burnout is real!

Because evolving and learning require sacrifices, some being financial (if you want quality information, because let's face it, nobody gives you valuable info for free!) we decided to invest from what we already earned through the blog so that we could get our blogging asses on the right track again.


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But what made us choose her e-book?

The need to learn from someone that knows what they're talking about, added to the fact that this is another blogger (with real-life experience) that we admire and respect (and have been stalking for a few months prior), made us invest in her e-book/guide "The She Approach to Boosting Your Blog Traffic".

Today we want to share with you our honest review of her book, without any (major) spoilers.

But enough with the chit-chatting, let's get to it!

The She Approach to Boosting Your Blog Traffic - Honest E-Book Review

In case you didn't know our style of reviewing, here's how it goes:

  1. First impressions: we'll be a talking a little bit about the "technical details" of the book, like design, length, overall impressions of the guide.
  2. Personal experience: we get into our experience with it
  3. pros and cons list
  4. Conclusion: Yay or Nay?

First impressions

The design?

After downloading and opening the book for the first time, we were impressed with how well organized it actually is. We knew that this e-book coming from Ana from The She Approach would have an elegant and feminine design, but it still surprised us.

With friendly fonts, colours and structure, it's easy to read and to follow.


Over 100 pages long. And man, this took a little while to read! Don't get us wrong, it's not because of the length, but because of how much valuable info she put in those over 100 pages. We had to stop and take notes, after notes, after notes!

The guide?

Incredibly valuable. This is like pure gold for newbie bloggers or bloggers that want to take this to a whole other level. The fact that the e-book consists of her documented experiences in the blogging world makes this a real, helpful guide.

Plus, Ana has such a fun way of explaining things, that actually keeps you interested.

You won't get lost in long and twisted definitions, and you certainly won't need another tutorial so you can understand this guide, like most of these technical things go.

In the chapters of the book, she goes from basics, to finding your audience, to promoting methods and so much more.

Personal experience

From the moment we first read this book, to now, so much has changed for us.

We've moved to from Spain to the UK, and then back to Transylvania, we stopped blogging for almost 1 year (so our traffic went in the bin), we recharged our energies, and now. we took our little blog from under 50k pageviews per year, to almost 50k per MONTH in the past 6 months.

And guess what? Some % of the reason why that happend is because of Ana's e-book. And we purchased it back in 2017! Can you imagine how good it is?

But, seriously now, this e-book helped us immediately fix some of the more technical issues we've absolutely been ignoring, some that we shouldn't have postponed, or others that we did not understand and/or didn't even know we had.

And it reads so well today, in 2021.

I've actually started rereading it today, and will definitely stick to it for a while, just to refresh the jumbled info I have in my head, and regain focus on what really matters. Getting our blog traffic to 50K per month, constantly. I'll probably come back in another 6 months with an update on how it's going, just to show you that it can be done!

Conclusion: Yay or Nay? Would we recommend it?

Yes! Absolutely!

It is super affordable, packed with a lot of info, easy to read, understand and follow, and it actually helps you, if you are willing to follow through, of course, and put in some work.

But remember...

She's not doing magic, she's only your guide through all of the madness. To get real lasting results, you're going to have to do your part. It's like with loosing weight, or changing your lifestyle. She's just your coach. She cannot do the work for you.

Overall, we are thrilled that we made this investment and there really are not enough words to say how wonderful this e-book really is, without repeating ourselves and sounding like crazy people.

Thank you, Ana, for all your hard work in putting together this wonderful e-book, and all of your other resources that you've launched since. You are a rockstar!

For more of The She Approach Resources: Visit her SHOP

What we love:

And that's all for today, lovely dreamers! We hope that you enjoyed our honest e-book review, and hope that you are willing to give it a try! You'll be surprised, we promise! If you did, please make sure to share it, pin it, tweet it! We will be truly grateful!

QOTD: How much are you willing to invest in a good e-book?

Maya Butterfly

Hey there! I'm Maya. A dreamer, a wannabe entrepreneur (learning to be a good one as we speak), a witch, a cat mom, a wife, a geek. I am a proud Ravenclaw and also love fantasy books and movies. Welcome to our corner of the interwebs!

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